Ex Nihilo nihil, in nihilum nil posse reverti
As technology makes our lives faster and faster
and quickens the disappearance of diversity, the destruction of Life.
As politicians and world leaders keep us on those tracks,
as if they were our only option, our only chance at redemption.
As the rise of totalitarian ideologies deepen the social schism,
making hopes of collective salute grow thinner.
As the modern world continue it’s frenetic sprint towards the edge of the cliff, We have the right, even the duty, to stop and think for a second.
To take a good deep look at our society, at ourselves, to raise the burning question : Is this it?
Is this the world you want to keep nurturing?
Is this the future you seek and desire?
It is our purpose, as artists, as individuals, as humans, to question our actions,
our behaviours, our goals.
For it appears that, today, the goal of humanity, led by occidental delirium, is to maximise our harm-potential, our destructiveness towards all the non-human entities.
This is the finality of every single one of our actions, every single one of our choices. Even in the way we farm the land we kill more than we birth.
Even in our artistic processes and attempts, we destroy more than we create.
Even in the way we profess our love, we repress more than we share.
We did not yet acknowledge that the situation is nocive.
We do not yet acknowledge that the reality we currently experience is not the only one possible.
We did not even try to ask ourselves what kind of values and realities we want to put forward.
As we arrive on the edge of this civilisation,
As it is obvious to all now, that changes are necessary,
As we finally have this unprecedented opportunity of redefining the rules,
It is our duty and our right, to start questioning, to start experimenting,
To start figuring out what society, ruled by what laws, we want to collectively evolve in.
For there’s no obvious answer for this question, and there will be no other opportunity for collectively deciding what meaning we want to give to our lives.
Deceiving curatorial exhibition text for collective CRIT’ at KABK, Den Haag, NL - 2023 - Meïko